bash helpers for juggling multiple aws accounts. Contribute to otakup0pe/awsswitch development by creating an account on GitHub.
Glacier is Amazon’s latest storage service, designed for long term storage of data. It’s not a direct replacement for S3: retrieving data … osm vim-create --name aws-site --user XXX --password YYY --auth_url --tenant admin \ --account_type aws --config '{region_name: eu-central-1, flavor_info: {t2.nano: {cpus: 1, disk: 100, ram: 512}, t2.micro: {cpus: 1… MockFog | Infrastructure as Code (based on Ansible playbooks) - OpenFogStack/MockFog-IaC A library for creating machines and infrastructures idempotently in Chef. - chef-boneyard/chef-provisioning This plugin provides native AWS instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection, including: health and metrics for various AWS services, such as EC2, RDS, ELB, and more, as well as handlers for EC2, SES, and SNS. - sensu-plugins/sensu… Fog driver for Chef Provisioning. Contribute to chef/chef-provisioning-fog development by creating an account on GitHub. GitHub Gist: star and fork matkoniecz's gists by creating an account on GitHub. FreshPorts - new ports, applications Glacier is Amazon’s latest storage service, designed for long term storage of data. It’s not a direct replacement for S3: retrieving data … osm vim-create --name aws-site --user XXX --password YYY --auth_url --tenant admin \ --account_type aws --config '{region_name: eu-central-1, flavor_info: {t2.nano: {cpus: 1, disk: 100, ram: 512}, t2.micro: {cpus: 1… MockFog | Infrastructure as Code (based on Ansible playbooks) - OpenFogStack/MockFog-IaC A library for creating machines and infrastructures idempotently in Chef. - chef-boneyard/chef-provisioning 3proxy - Proxy servers set (support HTTP(S), FTP, Socks, POP3, TCP & UDP) 44bsd-rdist - The traditional 4.4BSD rdist 6tunnel - TCP proxy for applications that do not speak IPv6 Geoip - Find the country that any IP address or hostname… Contribute to ndpinerosp/practica-gemas development by creating an account on GitHub. bash helpers for juggling multiple aws accounts. Contribute to otakup0pe/awsswitch development by creating an account on GitHub. The easiest, most common sense configuration management tool because you just use fucking shell scripts. - brandonhilkert/fucking_shell_scripts A commandline utility which will collect cookbooks defined by berkshelf, compress them, and store them in S3 to be fetched by RightScale - rgeyer/berks_to_rightscale Contribute to puppetlabs/gatling-puppet-load-test development by creating an account on GitHub. Northwestern University Core Facility Management Software (NUCore) - tablexi/nucore-open This plugin provides native AWS instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection, including: health and metrics for various AWS services, such as EC2, RDS, ELB, and more, as well as handlers for EC2, SES, and SNS. - sensu-plugins/sensu… You can get temporary signed URL for any S3 object by calling url_for by using the aws-sdk gem: s3 = :access_key_id => 1234,.